Search the Jamestown 1624/5 Death Records

This database contains a listing of the settlers who died during 1624. It also includes information about where they lived, and in some cases their age, when they arrived in Virginia, and which ship they arrived on. A search of the deaths-muster in conjunction with the main muster can give you an idea of families who may have lost members during the year. For example, searching the database for Last Name Sherley returns two names, Lidia and Susan, a mother and daughter from Jordans Jorney.

Note: A wildcard search is available - just add % to your search.

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Last Name:

First Name:

Status: (hold down the control key to pick multiple options)

Location and Corporation: (hold down the control key to pick multiple options)
Note: Pick from one column or the other, not both

Age: (from) (to)

Ship: (some names appear with different spellings, pick as many as you like by holding down the control key as you click on a name)

Year of Arrival:

Crandall ShifflettŠ 1999, 2000