
Search the London I Registers of Servants Sent to Foreign Plantations, 1682 - 1692

This database of indenture contracts includes nearly 1,000 indentured servants contracts. The contracts indicate not only the servant's name and length of indenture, but also the name of the servant's parents and owner, his home province and city, occupation, destination, and ship of embarkation. These records provide a detailed composition of indentured servants in the 17th century Atlantic World.

This page allows you to perform more advanced queries on the London I Registers of Servants Sent to Foreign Plantations. The registers covers the years from 1682 until 1692. For advanced searches on the other 3 registers, or to perform a general search on multiple registers, please use the links to the right.

Note: The wild card character is %. It can be substituted for any number of characters at the front, middle, or back of a word.

Lists of Values in the Database:

Place of Origin Names | Occupations | Destinations

Basic Search
Advanced Search,
1654 - 1686
Advanced Search,
1682 - 1685
Advanced Search,
London II,
1718 - 1759
More Information
About Registers
Servant Information
Last name: First name:
Place of Origin: Occupation:
Spouse's Name: Sex: Female Male Unknown
Age: (from) (to)
Indenture Information
Witness's Name:
Destination: Ship:
Length of Indenture: (in Years)
Date of Indenture: Search for a Specific Date: Month Day Year
OR Search a Range of Years:   (from) (to)

Please Note: You can only search Date of Indenture using one of the two methods above. If values are entered for both types of searches, only the first search (for a specific date), will be performed.

Servant's Parents Information
Last Name: First Name:
Place of Origin: Occupation:
Parent Living: Yes No
Agent Information
Last Name: First Name:
Place of Origin: Occupation:
Gender: Female Male Unknown

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