
John White's Village Of Pomeiooc In Virtual Reality

John White painted this "bird's-eye view" of an Algonkian village, located between the present Lake Landing and Wyesocking Bay, on his 1585 visit to the Carolina coast. Dr. Earl Mark, Associate Professor of Architecture, and his students Kriag Schmidt and Will Sparks at the University of Virginia, have taken this rare snapshot of the native population and created a simulation in "virtual reality." It is an experiment to develop tools to use in analyzing sketches, drawings, artifacts, and other physical data. You might compare this view to the description on the Web site. Notice how much more interesting the drawing becomes as we are made more aware of groupings, gestures, objects, and activities within the village.

You will need Macromedia's Flash plug-in on your computer to see the John White image morph and rotate. Get Macromedia Flash Now!

Note: The movie is available in two resolutions, high and low. Due to the large size of the high resolution version, it is only recommended for those with high-speed internet access.

High Resolution | Low Resolution

Crandall ShifflettŠ 1999, 2000